Genesis DevKit, Extender Pro, And Themer Pro Updates

I’m excited to share three new Cobalt Apps Plugin updates with you! I’ve been pounding away at my keyboard for the past few weeks and finally released fixes, refinements, and many new features for Genesis DevKit, Extender Pro, and Themer Pro.

The highlights are that Extender Pro and Themer Pro now support to new popular WordPress Theme Frameworks, and Genesis DevKit now offers a new Tablet view, in addition to the already available Mobile and Desktop views. Also, both Genesis DevKit and Themer Pro now include the latest Genesis Sample Theme, version 3.3.1. But there’s a whole lot more that that so be sure to checkout the change logs below and then watch my screencast where I showcase the many new features found in these updates.

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Is Genesis DevKit Replacing Dynamik Website Builder?

After several Dynamik users contacted me with this particular question, I felt it necessary to try and clear things up for anyone else who might wonder if the Genesis DevKit Plugin is in fact replacing Dynamik Website Builder. The simple answer is no, definitely not, but there’s quite a bit of nuance to that answer that is worth expanding on, so if you’re interested read on…

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Genesis DevKit Has New Pricing And A New Site!

Genesis DevKit Website

The Genesis DevKit Plugin is quickly becoming the new flagship point-n-click DEV tool for the Genesis Theme Framework. With notable new features and a growing list of Premium DevKit Themes it has begun to outgrow it’s shared site space here at And though it will remain here in terms of sales and support, the primary marketing focus will be redirected to a new location,

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Genesis DevKit 1.5.0 Adds Full Child Theme Editor And New DevKit Startup Theme Is Now Available

I’m really enjoying cranking out these DevKit Themes! Not only do I get to work with a DEV Tool that makes the process actually fun and efficient, but each one that becomes available simply adds that much more value to the DevKit Plugin itself. Each DevKit Theme is one more unique design starting point that you can hit the ground running with. So I hope you enjoy my latest offering, DevKit Startup. It’s my favorite so far! I liked it so much that I actually used it on a new website project I just finished which I will be sharing with you soon! 🙂

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Introducing DevKit Impact: A New Genesis Child Theme

Just released is an all new Genesis Child Theme created by and for the Genesis DevKit Plugin called DevKit Impact. This is the fourth premium Genesis Child Theme now included with the Genesis DevKit Plugin which not only provides a professional look and feel and utilizes the WordPress Block Editor for the homepage design, but can be fully customized by the hundreds of point-n-click design controls provided by Genesis DevKit.

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Genesis Dev Plugin Update Version 1.3.0 And New DevKit Themes

I’ve been all about WordPress Blocks lately as I’m convinced that this is the future of WordPress, especially once Full Site Editing finds its way into WP core. Blocks, blocks everywhere! 🙂 And as they are utilized more by the general WordPress community we are going to see some creative solutions to enhance our ability to build websites. So for now I’ve been updating our Genesis DevKit Plugin and building a couple of Genesis Child Themes with it. These Child Themes, DevKit Journal and DevKit Parallax, are based off of similarly named Premium Dynamik Skins. These two Themes are included with your active Genesis DevKit license and can be downloaded (once logged in) from the Genesis DevKit Pricing page.

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