I’ve been all about WordPress Blocks lately as I’m convinced that this is the future of WordPress, especially once Full Site Editing finds its way into WP core. Blocks, blocks everywhere! 🙂 And as they are utilized more by the general WordPress community we are going to see some creative solutions to enhance our ability to build websites. So for now I’ve been updating our Genesis DevKit Plugin and building a couple of Genesis Child Themes with it. These Child Themes, DevKit Journal and DevKit Parallax, are based off of similarly named Premium Dynamik Skins. These two Themes are included with your active Genesis DevKit license and can be downloaded (once logged in) from the Genesis DevKit Pricing page.
The actual Genesis DevKit update, other than various fixes and refinements, was mostly the addition of several notable Design Options (such as Site Inner and the Mobile Menu Button). These were added as I created these new themes and found them to be ideal to be in the form of Design Options instead of having to custom code them. But the primary focus was on the DevKit Themes themselves. I wanted to provide some nice pre-customized designs that offer all of the benefits that come from being created with DevKit, such as being able to continue the point-n-click customization process at any time in the future, all while being completely independent of each other. In other words you can use DevKit when you need it, but remove it when you don’t.
Block Focused Page Design
Because these DevKit Themes were created using Genesis DevKit they have the latest Genesis Sample Theme as their foundation. This means that they include all of the powerful Block Editor functionality found in Genesis Child Themes. So, for example, the custom homepage designs are super easy to customize yourself since it’s all done with blocks. I guess the point here is that DevKit Child Themes are all built with the latest WordPress and Genesis best-practices in mind, giving you fast, efficient, rock-solid themes that utilize the latest web design technology!
More DevKit Themes On The Way
I plan on creating more DevKit Themes in the coming weeks and months. For now we’ll see how these two starters fair among our members. In the mean time I’ll continue to consider the future implications of WP blocks. A lot of changes are coming and I’m looking forward to helping our members transition in the more productive ways possible. 🙂