Massive Changes On The Way With The WordPress 5.9 Release 5 Days Away!

Are You Ready For Full Site Editing?

The idea of Full Site Editing (FSE) in WordPress is as old as the Gutenberg/Block Editor itself. But this concept is about to become a reality in WordPress 5.9 which is set to release to the general public in less than a week from now. Are you ready? Excited? Overwhelmed? I’d love to hear you’re thoughts!

The struggle is real for many WP DEVS, designers, and marketers out there who are reluctant to even look into things like Block Themes and Full Site Editing as much of their workflow was perfected around ideas and concepts from a generation ago. Many are just now wrapping their brains around child themes and action hooks and now many of these WordPress staples are either being transformed or phased out completely. Now we’re expected to understand Block Patterns and ditch our favorite page builder or design Plugin for Gutenberg, which has seemingly spread throughout the WP workflow either like a virus or a breath of fresh air. So which is it?

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Genesis Dev Plugin Update Version 1.3.0 And New DevKit Themes

I’ve been all about WordPress Blocks lately as I’m convinced that this is the future of WordPress, especially once Full Site Editing finds its way into WP core. Blocks, blocks everywhere! 🙂 And as they are utilized more by the general WordPress community we are going to see some creative solutions to enhance our ability to build websites. So for now I’ve been updating our Genesis DevKit Plugin and building a couple of Genesis Child Themes with it. These Child Themes, DevKit Journal and DevKit Parallax, are based off of similarly named Premium Dynamik Skins. These two Themes are included with your active Genesis DevKit license and can be downloaded (once logged in) from the Genesis DevKit Pricing page.

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