WordPress Web Design Challenge: Ask Eric Hamm

What’s up guys! I’ve been looking for various ways to offer more consistent tutorials and screencasts that are specific to our Cobalt Apps DEV tools, and WordPress Web Design in general. Yet I find that trying to come up with my own ideas is much less fruitful than responding to your own requests for Freelance Development insight. So I’ve come up with an idea that could be really useful or a total waste of time. 🙂 Time will tell.

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12 Days Of Coding: Customizing Block Editor Styles Using Custom Classes, CSS, And Themer Pro

As the first tutorial of our 12 Days Of Coding I’m working with a GeneratePress Child Theme (created by our Themer Pro Plugin), the WordPress Block Editor, and the Themer Pro Front-End DEV Tools. In this How-To video I show you simple ways to focus your Custom CSS on specific WP Block Editor Blocks by adding your own custom block classes. I then show you how to manipulate the styles of these blocks using the Themer Pro Front-End DEV Tools CSS Sandbox feature with real-time changes.

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