Why I Hated NodeJS, Gulp, And Sass, And What I’m Doing About It

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to tout yourself as a true “Pro” in the WordPress web development scene without some form of contact with these NodeJS powered package managers, task managers, and build tools. We’ve gone from debating our favorite code editors to arguing over which CSS pre-processor is king. Life was so much easier when all we had to deal with was a simple folder filled with CSS, PHP, and JS files. Or at least that’s what it feels like until you realize you’re being left behind, pining over the best practices of 2012.

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A Complete Guide To Cloud Server Setup With SSL Enabled Domain

In this tutorial I walk you through the entire process, from beginning to end, of setting up a cloud server, pointing your domain to it, and using a SAAS (Software As A Service) cloud server management solution like ServerPilot to complete the process. The cloud server I use in this tutorial is Vultr, but others like Linode or DigitalOcean will do. I also use Hover (domain registration service), but of course you can use whatever you like. Read more “A Complete Guide To Cloud Server Setup With SSL Enabled Domain”