Recently I created a pair of unscripted, unedited and quite in-depth screencasts where I went through the process of designing a website using Dynamik Website Builder. The first screencast focused on starting from scratch while the second one went into the process of Importing a pre-customized Dynamik Skin and then working from there.
The point of keeping these unscripted and unedited was to try to capture my natural workflow and thoughts along the way. I believe the result was positive and useful and I’ve already had several emails and comments requesting more screencasts in this same kind of format. So I just wanted to share these in a blog post to help ensure they are as visible as possible to our community of members and possibly those considering the purchase of Dynamik.
So here they are…
Designing A Website From Scratch Using Dynamik Website Builder – Thoughts From The Developer
Designing A Website With A Skin Using Dynamik Website Builder – Thoughts From The Developer