Custom Child Themes: Solving A Common Dev Dilemma

I see it all the time. The angst that comes from that age old question…should I use a Child Theme for my WordPress web design projects? And the answer is about as long as it is multifaceted with many caveats. But I think I can tackle the basics in about a paragraph or two, so let’s jump right in. Read more “Custom Child Themes: Solving A Common Dev Dilemma”

Learn A Solid Dynamik Website Builder Workflow

Dynamik Workflow

When I build websites with Dynamik I generally stick to a five to seven step workflow that nicely utilizes the tools offered by Dynamik and gets the job done quickly. This is certainly not the only way to work with Dynamik, but my hope is that the following will at least provide our members with a useful framework to follow when creating their own flow that works best with them. Read more “Learn A Solid Dynamik Website Builder Workflow”

My Top 6 Blunders Of Bad Website Design

web-design-blundersGetting people to point their browsers to your webpages is critically important, but equally as critical is being able to keep them there and create for them a positive and rewarding first impression. This can be done in several ways, but in this post I’m going to be focusing on design and what NOT to do. Read more “My Top 6 Blunders Of Bad Website Design”