Genesis Extender 1.2.4 is mostly refinements as well as a few bug fixes. As always, we strongly recommend all users update.
What Changed?
Genesis Extender 1.2.4
- Fixed bug where Custom Stylesheet was not SSL compatible.
- Reduced the width of the Custom Widget Area and Hook Box “Name” textfield to account for slightly different browser style renderings.
- Fixed bug where images with 10px width or height give an error with wp_debug when uploaded with the Genesis Extender Image Uploader.
- Added a conditional to the Genesis Extender admin pages to restrict access and include a message regarding this restriction when Safari 7.0+ is being used to view such admin pages. This is because currently this latest version of Safari (implemented in OS X Mavericks) has trouble properly loading and interacting with the Genesis Extender Front-end CSS Builder and potentially other Genesis Extender admin pages. We’ve tested Safari 7.0 with other option-rich WP Theme admin pages and Plugins and found similar results that suggest more of a Safari issue than an Extender one. So for now we’re adding this conditional, but will wait and see if either Safari receives and update that resolves this issue or if a fix of some kind presents itself.