Dynamik 1.9.9 has a few refinements as well as a few bug fixes. As always, we strongly recommend all users update.
What Changed?
Dynamik 1.9.9
- Made it so that when the Dynamik license page is disabled the Dynamik Settings > Info license section is also hidden from view.
- Made it so exported child themes include the skin CSS file code, even when minification is turned off.
- Made it so that when a Child Theme is exported the “mobile” and “drop-down” nav’s function code retains the “dynamik” function name instead of being converted to “child”, which was causing issues when users were adding custom code reltated to those functions and then exporting their design as a child theme.
- Implemented Easy Digital Download dev’s suggested fix for their product licence code.
- Fixed bug that was causing an “undefined index” error when wp_debug() was enabled (related to our 3rd party licensing software).