Dynamik 1.6.1 is mostly refinements as well as a few bug fixes. As always, we strongly recommend all users update.
What Changed?
Dynamik 1.6.1
- Added function to sync up Dynamik with “Manage Sites” status.
- Added .ez-home-wrap div classes around the top, middle and bottom EZ Home sections to allow for greater styling control.
- Added code to prevent error when “Images List” variable is not properly set upon Import of Dynamik Skin.
- Added function that deletes any folders or files inside the /tmp/ directory other than the /images/ folder to help prevent Import/Export issues.
- Added stripslashing code to Custom Labels to prevent slashes when apostrophes are added.
- Removed float:left; from .ez-home.fat-footer-inside #ez-fat-footer-container-wrap {} element to fix squishing of widgets.
- Made it so that when the “Minify the Dynamik Stylesheet” option is unchecked the active Skin’s style.css file is called directly into the head instead of being written to the Dynamik Stylesheet, allowing for changes to occur without having to “Save Changes”.
- Fixed bug where the mobile drop-down menus, when viewed in Windows 7/8 using IE or Chrome, sometimes results in white-on-white text for the sub-menu pages.
- Fixed bug where code is sometimes partially removed upon Child Theme Export, causing a white screen when Exported Child Theme is activated.
- Fixed bug where skin-screenshot.png image is causing error upon Skin Export.